Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Self-Transcendence Triathalon August 3, 2008-Volunteer Request

Hello all,

I received the following email request from Sheila Flood of the Victoria Multifaith Society this morning. Apparently the Sri Chinmoy Triathalon held annually at Elk lake is in need of some volunteers in order for it to run smoothly. Please see below for details!

If you can help please contact the race Volunteer coordinator Patricia Irwin at 250-592-5355 or email info@scmt.ca

Thanks for your willingness to make this worthwhile event run smoothly.



Dear VMS Members,

The Self-Transcendence Triathlon/Duathlon will be held August 3, 2008. The Race Director, Sumitra McMurchy, has asked if a request could go out to our members asking for additional volunteers (about 25 more are needed).

This is a grassroots, community kind of race, intent on providing a very supportive atmosphere for athletes. The organizing group is a meditation group--the Sri Chinmoy Centre of Victoria. http://www.srichinmoy.org/

There are many perks involved, as you'll see in this letter that explains the details:

If you do volunteer, please mention that you received the invitation through the Multifaith Society.

For more information about the race see http://www.victoriatriathlon.com/

Thank you,
S. Flood,
VMS Secretary

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