Wednesday, June 25, 2008

8th Annual Buddha In The Park

Buddha In the Park 8th Annual 3 Day Retreat in the beautiful Cowichan Valley. Tenting and RV set up available, Community Kitchen during the three days of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 25 - 26 - 27th JULY. Reservations to:
How Many Buddha's, Oneness of the Person and the Law, The Wisdom Teachings of the Lotus Sutra, 40 topics for research, study and discussion. Personal Empowerment, Spiritual Development, Meditation and more.
The Buddha's teachings are always free, donations based on ability and value received most appreciated.
Mahayana Nichiren Tradition, 3 Days for You.
Visit for information and directions.
Namaste, Nam-MyoHo-Renge-Kyo
Respectfully, Henry, Buddha Guide Teacher,Author

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