Sunday, March 09, 2008

Visit of Changling Tulku Rinpoche

To friends and members of the Victoria Shambhala Centre,

We are happy to announce that Changling Tulku Rinpoche, a teacher in both the Kagyu and Nyingma Lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, will again be visiting and teaching in Victoria, April 7-9.

The teaching schedule follows:

Monday, April 7,

7-9 pm Teachings on Ati Yoga using the Dorje Drapal Tsal Guru Yoga practice as a basis. Suggested donation $15
Tuesday, April 8 -

9-12 and 2-5: Vajrayogini teachings from the Rechung Kagyu Lineage. Suggested donation $25
7-9 - Public talk "Living without Regret" Suggested donation $10

Wednesday, April 9 -

9-12 and 2-5: Chakrasamvara teachings from the Rechung Kagyu Lineage. Suggested donation $25
7-9 pm Teachings on Ati Yoga using the Dorje Drapal Tsal Guru Yoga practice as a basis. Suggested donation $15

The Ati Yoga techings will be restricted to those who have received the Dorje Drapal Tsal Abisheka from Changling Rinpoche two times (there will be another Abhisheka in Vancouver before Rinpoche comes to Victoria so anyone who wants to continue on can attend that first, if necessary).

The Vajrayogini and Chakrasamvara teachings are restricted to those who have received those Abhishekas from any lineage holder.

All of the teachings will take place at the Victoria Shambhala Centre, 2033 Belmont Ave (corner of Belmont and Pembroke in Fernwood).

We hope you will attend Rinpoche's public talk on Tuesday evening and any other teachings you may be qualified to attend. Also, please consider volunteering to help with the many details of Rinpoche's visit.

For further information or to volunteer to help with the visit in some way please contact-

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