Saturday, March 29, 2008

Global Day of Action for Tibet

Global Day of Action for Tibet – Monday, March 31, 2008

In solidarity with Tibet Support Groups worldwide, Tibetans and their supporters in the Victoria (BC) area will participate in a


Victoria Event: Vigil at the Legislature (Parliament Buildings) - this Monday 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

On March 31 Tibetans and their supporters around the world will wear “khatag”. The use of khatag (ceremonial white silk offering scarf) has been an important part of Tibetan tradition for centuries, dating at least to the 7th Century AD. It is an auspicious symbol representing the purity and sincerity of the one offering it, with no negative thoughts or motives in their mind.

It is with this purity of intent that Tibetans and their supporters appeal to the Chinese Government to immediately cease its brutal crack-down on Tibetans inside Tibet, permit international journalist and UN monitors into the region, and immediately engage in sincere dialogue and negotiation with the Dalai Lama.

With each passing day the media black-out in Tibet has resulted in heightened anxiety and fear for the safety of Tibetans inside Tibet. The determination of supporters outside Tibet has continued unabated, even in India and Nepal where hundreds of Tibetans have been arrested for engaging in peaceful protests.

On Monday March 31 rallies, vigils, and other protests actions will take place across Canada and around the world in support of Tibet.

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