Friday, April 26, 2013

 Movie Night at the Victoria Shambhala Centre
 1-2033 Belmont Ave Victoria
 Friday May 10th - 7pm

Shugendō Now

Experiences in nature can evoke feelings of wellbeing that serve as important reminders of one’s inner nature. However, the complexity of modern life can create a deep sense of separation between self and the natural world. Nowhere is this dualistic split more evident than our current state of social and ecological discord.

Shugendō Now documents the search for inner truth through the practices of Japanese mountain asceticism. Shugendō or ‘The Way of Acquiring Power’, draws on shamanism, Shintō, Taoism, and Tantric Buddhism to understand humanities deep connection to the natural world.

This documentary follows the journey of ordinary Japanese city dwellers in their yearly quest for insight, purification and revitalization during arduous climbs in sacred mountains. More poetic than analytical, Shugendō Now explores the possibility of integrating an awareness of the sacred in contemporary society. With intimate camera work and evocative sound design the viewer is taken from deep within the lush Kumano mountains to the concrete canyon’s of Ōsaka and Tokyo and back again.

Suggested donation of $5
Skype discussion with directors to follow screening
Victoria Shambhala centre  -

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