Intensive Preparation
Saturday mornings, 9:00-11:30 AM
October 6 & 13, 2012
Victoria Zen Centre – Sooke
Open to VZC Members and Associates who have completed the free online Orientation to Zen and a practice assessment.
If you have successfully developed a stable daily practice of Zen meditation, and are wondering how to go further with our Sangha, this course is your next step. Participants will be introduced to the subtleties and differences involved in intensive training, and will receive an orientation to, and experience of, practices that are specific to intensive training in the Zen tradition. The Intensive Preparation course is the gateway to deepening your practice.
For Full members of the VZC, the course fee is included as part of membership dues. For Basic members the course fee is $95 and for VZC Associates the fee is $195. Course fees includes a course manual and materials.
Fundamentals of Zen Practice
Thursday evenings, 7:30-9:30 PM
October 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2012
Victoria Zen Centre – Sooke
Open to VZC Members and Associates who have completed the free online Orientation to Zen and a practice assessment.
Building on the foundation of training established through the Orientation to Zen, you will be introduced to some of the fundamental teachings of Zen Buddhism. Group activities and training assignments ask that we take these teachings out of our head and engage them in the day to day unfolding of our lives.
This course also provides you with the opportunity to explore the ceremony of Jukai, which is commonly considered formally “becoming Buddhist”. The Jukai Ceremony consists of four distinct aspects, each of which is introduced and discussed in an intimate environment of friendship and community. The four aspects are:
- Sange (repentance/purification).
- Taking the Threefold Refuge.
- Receiving the Five Sila (precepts).
- The Four Bodhisattva Vows.
For Full members of the VZC, the course fee is included as part of membership dues. For Basic members and Associates the course fee is $295.
For further information about these courses or to register: visit our website or email registrar@zenwest.ca
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