The Shambhala School of Buddhist Studies presents
With George Howell and Silas Rosenblatt.
Tuesday evenings 7 pm to 8:30 pm
March 3, 10, 17, 24 , 31 plus a full
day intensive on Sunday March 29th.
“Training the mind is known as lojong in Tibetan: In the mahayana tradition we experience a sense of gentleness toward ourselves, and a sense of friendliness to others begins to arise. That friendliness or compassion is known as nyingje, which literally means “noble heart. ”We are willing to commit ourselves to working with all sentient beings. But before we launch into that project we need a lot of training.” Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
The fifty-nine slogans that are attributed to the Indian Buddhist teacher Atisha are sometimes referred to as the “dharma for leprosy” as tribute to their efficacy in curing the incurable. They provide a method of training our minds through both formal meditation practice and using the events of everyday life as a means of awakening.
George Howell, a student of Chogyam Trunpa Rinpoche and the Sakyong, is a teacher and practioner of Shambhala Buddhism. Silas Rosenblatt is a meditation instructor and a student of the Sakyong Mipham Jampal Trinley Dradul Rinpoche.
Shambhala Community Study Programs cost $65 - $45
To register or enquire for study materials please contact:
David Clarke - rangdral@yahoo.com
(Recommended reading: Always maintain a Joyful Mind - Pema chodron, Training the Mind - Chogyam Trungpa, The Great Path of Awakening - Jamgon Kongtrul)
Victoria Shambhala Meditation Centre
#1-2033 Belmont Avenue, Victoria BC, V8R 3Z7. 383-9108
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