Friday, October 12, 2007

Yeshe Khorlo Society ~ Why Vajrayana Buddhism?

A Talk by Lopon Sang-ngag Yeshe
followed by Questions & Discussion

Translator: Eric Forgeng

Are Vajrayana practices involving visualization, mantra recitation, elaborate ceremonies and rituals actually the teaching of the Buddha? When and how did they become part of Buddhist practice? What is the significance of all the symbols, gestures and music? What is their purpose and benefit in meditation practice? How do they hasten our awakening to the ultimate nature of reality and our skill in generating true compassion towards all sentient beings?

Our resident teacher, Lopon Sang-ngag Yeshe, will address these questions and whatever other questions we wish to ask about Vajrayana Buddhism in this, the first of our Sunday Afternoon Teachings of the fall season. The rest of the fall program will be announced next week.

Everyone is invited.

Place: Yeshe Khorlo Centre, 839 Foul Bay Rd., near the junction of Richardson & McNeill.

Cost: Suggested Donation $10

If you wish to receive a tax-deductible receipt for charitable donations at year's end, please place your donation in an envelope bearing your name and address.

Parking: Please park on side streets, instead of Foul Bay Rd., including in front of or behind the Centre. Thank you.

This message has been sent by Yeshe Khorlo Nyingmapa Buddhist Meditation Centre. For further information about our Centre, teachers, programs and activities, please contact:

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