We are excited to let you know that Changling Rinpoche will be giving teachings in North America during September and October 2015.
The following schedule and topic information is current as of August 17. More information, including additional contact and registration details, will be sent as it becomes available and minor changes to the schedule may still occur. You can also see updates on our website at Lotus Speech Canada: Programs.
Vancouver, British Columbia
September 18 and 19. Teachings on The Heart Sutra.
Restricted to those with at least one empowerment.
Information and Registration: Etta Rosso etta@lotusspeech.ca
September 20. Topic TBA.
Restricted to Shambhala Vajrayana practitioners.
Location: Vancouver Shambhala Centre
Coombs, British Columbia
September 22 to 24, evenings. Teachings on Khenpo Gangshar’s Naturally Liberating Whatever You Meet.
Location: Kathok Centre
Information and Registration: Kathok Centre Events
Victoria, British Columbia
September 25 to 26. Teachings on Jigme Lingpa’s Aspiration of Ground, Path and Fruition.
Restricted to those with at least one empowerment and completion of at least one sadhana practice.
Location: Church of Truth
Information and Registration: Sandy Melnyk info@lotusspeech.ca or Brian Menzies brianmenzies@telus.net