is pleased to invite Arinna Weisman
to give a talk on:
The first stanza in the Dhammapada, the earlier recorded teachings of the Buddha, begin with “Mind precedes all things” and Kalu Rinpoche the great Tibetan Master said “We are living in a prison created by our thoughts”. How do we relate to our thoughts, do they have real power? Do they precede all things? How are they transformed? We will explore the practice of Right Thought and how this contributes to our freedom and the opening of our hearts.
Arinna Weisman has studied Vipassana Meditation since 1979 and has been teaching since 1988. Her root teacher, Ruth Denison, was empowered by the great Burmese master U Bha Khin. She is the founding teacher of Insight Meditation Center of the Pioneer Valley, and is the co-author of A Beginner’s Guide to Insight Meditation. She has also taught throughout the United States for 11 years.